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4.8 ( 1488 ratings )
Zakelijk Financiën
Developer: Convoy Investment Services Limited


- 無論何時何地 -冗長會議、乘車等船、食晏歎下午茶,即使在國內外公幹,投資者均能查閱即時股價;
- 由於已與交易平台整合,投資者可即時發出買賣指示。

- 股票報價及主要市場資訊;
- 股價圖表,可橫直向顯示,及切換多個時段;
- 股票排行:網羅二十大活躍港股,包含升跌幅榜、升跌幅率、成交量及成交額等;
- 投資組合全掌控:投資者能於iPhone手機查閱其持股量、交易狀況及過往紀錄、購買力。
- 投資者可自訂多個監察組合,而每個組合最多可包含20隻股票。當股價到達心水價位,投資者只需輕按手機螢幕即可落盤,分秒不誤!

本軟件只限康宏証券投資服務有限公司客戶使用。如有查詢,請致電客戶服務熱線3601 3737。

Mobilization of financial information has come to a new era. Thanks to hot selling of iPhone, demand of mobile real time stock quote software has increasing. ConveyMT is a native app run on iPhone. Its superior execution speed plus high degree of stability and fluency provide unmatchable user experiences which outpace that of WAP/WEB browser interface products.

Trade without Boundary
-No matter when and where – during long meeting, traveling, lunch and tea break, even in Mainland China or overseas, investors can obtain real-time stock quote instantly.
-With securities trading platform integration, investors can give buy / sell instructions immediately.

Comprehensive Information over fingertips
- Stock quote with major market information
- Stock chart : real time chart can horizontally and vertically display and switch between different time frame
- Top Ranking : list out top 20 active stocks, including top gainers / loser, top volume, top turnover and etc.
- Portfolio checking : investors can check their stock position, trading order current status and historical record, purchasing power on their iPhone.
- Watch List : investors can set up different portfolios to monitor share prices movement and each portfolio can consist of 20 stocks maximum. While share price reach favorable level, investors can simply press the phone screen to place trading order. Not a single second wasted !!

This Apps is exclusively for the client of Convoy Investment Services Ltd. . For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Hotline at 3601 3737.